Fluffy, cream-coloured brushes with white and copper handles are the sort of thing every beauty blogger dreams about. Whether using them to apply daily makeup, or as a fabulous flat lay accessory, brushes like these are coveted in the blogging community. Usually incredibly expensive, I instead found the perfect makeup brushes suited to any blogger's budget. Talk about some serious Instagram #goals.
What I Got For Christmas
Sunday, 25 December 2016
I have been well and truly spoiled this year! Today has been an amazing day filled loads of good food, gin, family antics and lots of presents. I love seeing what my fellow bloggers received at this wonderful time of year, so I decided I would write my own Christmas present round-up post.
Review: LUSH American Pie Shower Jelly
Sunday, 18 December 2016
Review: Lime Crime GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS Collection
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
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Described as a set of 'power neutrals', I couldn't resist snapping them up only the day after they went live on the Lime Crime website because yaaaaass give me all the nudes.
Review: Too Faced Chocolate Bon Bons Palette
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
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I finally found time to photograph and write about my Too Faced Chocolate Bon Bons palette, which I actually bought wayyy back in August. Just look how pretty and shimmery it is.
The Chocolate Bon Bons palette is the third palette in Too Faced's line of cocoa powder infused eyeshadow palettes and is my personal favourite, so I can't believe how long it's taken me to get round to reviewing it.
The Chocolate Bon Bons palette is the third palette in Too Faced's line of cocoa powder infused eyeshadow palettes and is my personal favourite, so I can't believe how long it's taken me to get round to reviewing it.
A Little Bedroom Tour
Monday, 24 October 2016
Recently I have been really into prettying up my bedroom. Since having some money, I have invested in a new bed, blogging workstation and loads of little pieces of décor to make my room really lovely and Instagram worthy.
I thought I would take the time to type up this little post on some of the pieces I have bought and share some aspects of my bedroom itself.
Review: Tangle Teezer Blow-Styling Smoothing Tool
Sunday, 23 October 2016
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What I Got For My 19th Birthday
Monday, 17 October 2016
It has genuinely been one of the best birthdays I have ever had as I spent it with some amazing people and received loads of absolutely gorgeous presents.
3 Budget Skincare Products For Dry Skin
Friday, 14 October 2016
So as you can imagine, I was horrified when I woke up one morning and realised that weeks of abuse had turned my near perfect skin into a dry, cracked and rubbery mess.
Review: Candy K Kylie Lip Kit
Monday, 10 October 2016
Okay, I'll admit it, I succumbed to the hype that is the Kylie Jenner lip kits. My younger sister absolutely worships Kylie, so when I saw last Wednesday that there was a $5 international shipping deal, I decided to take the plunge and order her a lip kit, along with one for myself.
The lip kit I chose for myself is in the shade Candy K, which is described as a soft, warm-toned pinky brown, quite honestly my perfect shade. But what did I think to this super-hyped celebrity lipstick?
*Ended* 100k Birthday Giveaway!
Thursday, 6 October 2016
We did it! My little blog got to 100,000 all time views just in time for my 19th birthday, and so to celebrate both these things I'm finally hosting the giveaway I hinted at in my previous Too Faced post.
The giveaway prize is the winner's choice of a Too Faced chocolate eyeshadow palette, which includes the Chocolate Bar, Chocolate Bon-Bons and Semi-Sweet palettes! Yay!
Very Superstitious - LUSH Halloween 2016
Monday, 3 October 2016
On Saturday I had the pleasure of attending the #MiracleOnFargate Christmas event at LUSH Sheffield. Whilst the event was to showcase the new Christmas range, we also were also given demos of the lovely Halloween goodies which were also released recently. Due to this, I have decided to split up the details of the event into two posts, with this first post being a look at the spooktacular Halloween treats that LUSH has in store for us this year.
Review: LUSH American Cream Conditioner
Friday, 30 September 2016
When I did my awesome LUSH haul, I decided treating myself to some good conditioner would definitely be worth my while. The conditioner I chose was American Cream - a milkshake thick, sweet smelling delight that quickly became my favourite LUSH product ever.
Review: LUSH Hair Custard
Sunday, 25 September 2016

I recently did a huge £45 LUSH haul, with Hair Custard being the product voted for on Twitter to have the first, full review. I'm actually really glad this product was chosen first, as I have some things to say about it which I felt were better to just get out of the way rather than leave until the last review.
Hair Custard is described as an "eggs-clusive Oxford Street hair dressing for fighting static and adding moisture and shine" with an absolutely dreamy scent. But in this case, is the proof really in the pudding? *cringe*
A £45 LUSH Haul
Friday, 23 September 2016
This time I was simply looking to buy some more solid shampoo and ended up being enticed in by the rest of the website. I did manage to order the solid shampoo I was after, but also topped up my basket with conditioner, hair 'custard' (whaaa?) solid deodorant and some dusting powder. Bang tidy.
Review: LUSH Cup O' Coffee Face & Body Mask
Sunday, 18 September 2016
Before I start on the review, can we all just appreciate how the above picture is absolute LUSH porn. Just look at that little bubble. It looks so good, it makes me want to scoop it out and cover my face with it. Luckily that's what you're supposed to do, so I don't seem too weird for saying that.
How To Be The Perfect Blogger
Friday, 16 September 2016
I got my nails done as a treat for myself on Saturday after a semi-hectic week at work, and it actually made me giggle how having nude pink nails made me feel like a 'real' blogger, despite not really being able to even type with them.
It got me thinking about what other blogging stereotypes there is, something I first touched on in my 'I drank coffee, am I a real blogger yet?' post wayyyyy back in March, so I came up with this post poking fun at all the blogger stereotypes out there.
Review: High-End Skincare With Dr Botanicals
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
I'm a huge skincare junkie, so I was really excited when I received a parcel of skincare goodies* from Dr Botanicals. Tearing open the paper, I was surprised to find myself with two, full-sized pots of daily moisturiser and night cream. They were certainly not sample sizes.
I checked their website and was almost dumbstruck to see the pots were over £100 each, so do you know what I did? (And no, I didn't stick them on eBay)
I checked their website and was almost dumbstruck to see the pots were over £100 each, so do you know what I did? (And no, I didn't stick them on eBay)
Review: Too Faced Born This Way Concealer in 'Very Fair'
Friday, 2 September 2016
Yay! It's time for the third review from my £100 Too Faced Haul, and this time you've voted for the Born This Way concealer to be reviewed and swatched in full.
This concealer is a relatively new product which was only released in June this year and is something I was dying to order as soon as I could.
This concealer is a relatively new product which was only released in June this year and is something I was dying to order as soon as I could.
Review: Too Faced 'Totally Cute' Palette
Monday, 29 August 2016
This is a post I was really excited to write, so I'm so glad you guys voted for it to be the second to be reviewed from my £100 Too Faced Haul, the first being my Melted Chocolate Milkshake lipstick. I also have an exciting announcement at the end of this post, so keep your eyes peeled!
So YAAAAASSS I got my hands on Too Faced's newest limited edition palette, the Totally Cute eyeshadow palette and it is probably the most adorable thing I have ever owned.
Review: Too Faced Melted Lipstick in 'Chocolate Milkshake'
Friday, 26 August 2016
As promised, a full review and swatches of my Too Faced Melted Chocolate Milkshake lipstick, as first mentioned in my £100 Too Faced Haul post. This post was voted for on Twitter as the first part of my haul you'd like to see!
The Too Faced Melted Chocolate range was released this past Spring as a spin-off to their classic Melted liquid lipsticks line. Infused with real cocoa powder, I couldn't resist ordering Chocolate Milkshake after I swatched it in-store.
A £100 Too Faced Haul
Monday, 22 August 2016
The products I bought were an eyeshadow palette, primer, concealer and a lipstick. Let's take a look, shall we?
A £3 'They're Real!' Mascara Dupe? Get Real...
Friday, 19 August 2016
As I've said before, I don't really believe in dupes. Something may be the same colour and packaging, but that doesn't mean that the quality and finish is the same and it's very rare that I come across a true dupe.
W7 is a brand well-known for "dupes", a brand a personally loathe (what can I say, I'm a makeup snob LOL), but when my little sister convinced me to buy their £3 mascara as it just looked "soooooo similar", to my beloved Benefit's 'They're Real!', I gave in and purchased it anyway.
Let's chat... Budget VS. Blow-Out Beauty
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
However, in the beauty world us makeup addicts are frowned upon for two things; buying really expensive makeup... and buying really cheap makeup. Both of which cancel out the other. Amidst a sea of 'dupes' and alternatives, is it true that you really do get what you pay for? Or shall we just forget about the price tag *cue Jessie J music.*
My Lime Crime Customer Care Experience
Sunday, 14 August 2016
So you all know I am a massive Lime Crime fan and I have spoke about and reviewed them on this blog several times, most recently defending all the controversy surrounding them in my post 'Why I support Lime Crime.'
I have never before had a problem with one of my orders, however when my Faded Velvetine arrived watery and patchy I decided this was an excellent opportunity to see their customer service for myself.
Makeup Revolution Blushing Hearts - Blusher, Bronzer & Highlighter Swatches
Monday, 8 August 2016

I'm supposed to be on a spending ban until after my holiday, but after spotting these babies in Superdrug for £4.99 each, I totally couldn't resist picking them up. I know, I'm a bad girl.
I chose a blusher, bronzer and highlighter and all three of them are totally beautiful. Let's see some swatches!
10 Things Every Girl Knows About Shopping In Primark
Sunday, 7 August 2016
Ah, Primark. The one place you can get a Topshop replica skirt for a fiver and lose yourself in an array of £1 patterned knickers, all whilst getting up close and personal with almost every other person in the store.
It's fabulous. It's brutal. It's cheap. But we wouldn't have it any other way. Here's 10 things every girl knows from shopping in Primark.
Why I'm Happy To Wear "Too Much Makeup"
Friday, 5 August 2016
I don't wear makeup because I feel I need it. I wear it because I love it. Makeup is fun, it can turn me into a totally different person from one day to the next. But in a world where girls and women are shamed for wearing "too much makeup", it seems a lot of people just don't understand our reasons for piling on the slap.
DIY Perfectly Pale Foundation
Monday, 1 August 2016
I myself am as fair as they come, a pale princess, meaning I can literally never find a foundation shade to match my skin tone. Because of this, I've started creating my own foundation.
It's incredibly easy, and this little post will show you exactly how to rock your pretty pale complexion to the fullest with this simple DIY.
July 2016 Instagram Round-Up
Sunday, 31 July 2016
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What's In My Holiday Bag?
Friday, 29 July 2016
As there's five of us going, I only have limited space to pack my things in, meaning I'm going to have to stick to the bare minimum makeup wise *cry*. So read on to see what's definitely going in my holiday bag!
10 Things I've Learned From Working Full-Time
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
I've been at my new job for just over a month now and it's such a huge leap from school, what with the massively increased hours and a totally new environment.
Despite being a challenge, these past few weeks I've learned loads of new things, which I've managed to whittle down to 10 things I've learned from working full-time.
I Try The Make Up For Ever 'Artist Rouge' Collection*
Sunday, 24 July 2016
I was lucky enough to receive not one, not two, but three gorgeous lipsticks in some seriously drool-worthy shades.
Makeup Revolution Fortune Favours The Brave Palette
Friday, 22 July 2016

A better photo for this post would be an image of me chasing after a bandwagon, trying to jump on it but being a little too late and falling over, because here's me reviewing the Makeup Revolution 'Fortune Favours The Brave' palette months after everyone else... oops.
But seriously, just LOOK AT IT. Look how pretty it is! How can I not be totally obsessed? It's beaaauuuutiiiful.
How To Have The Perfect Girly Pamper Night
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
Now that I'm working full time, it's so important that I make the effort to have some time to myself to just relax, so what better way to do it than with the ultimate pamper night?
£6.50 MAC Velvet Teddy Dupe
Monday, 18 July 2016

I only bought the cult-classic MAC Velvet Teddy lipstick on Friday (you may have seen my excited tweets), but before I even had time to write a review on it, I accidentally bought a dupe for it on Sunday.
I'm pretty sure this means I need to venture out of my comfort zone when it comes to lipstick shades as I seem to be drawn to the same ones every time, but at least it makes for an awesome dupe blog post!
Illamasqua #VeganBeautyMasterclass Blogger Event
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
I've been interested in Vegan beauty for a few months now and I have already begun phasing non-cruelty free skincare and shower products from my routine, however makeup is something I've not yet branched into.
Review: Benefit Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow! Foundation in 'Believe In Me Ivory'
Sunday, 10 July 2016
Blimey, what a mouthful of a title! Benefit are known for their fun and quirky product names (Dew The Hoola, anyone?) and Hello Flawless is no exception. This is Benefit's first liquid foundation, which was created in 2012 and somehow has taken me four years to get round to finally trying.
I acquired this foundation after I had a little bit of a disaster when being colour-matched by another brand. I ran straight to a Benefit stand and begged the Benebabe to fix my face - I'm so glad she did as I fell in love with this foundation from the moment she applied it.
I acquired this foundation after I had a little bit of a disaster when being colour-matched by another brand. I ran straight to a Benefit stand and begged the Benebabe to fix my face - I'm so glad she did as I fell in love with this foundation from the moment she applied it.
July Beauty Tryouts
Friday, 8 July 2016
My first sassy bag spill photo - I think I pulled it off quite nicely!
Today's post is something I've been wanting to do for a while after seeing it on several other blogs, primarily A Girl Obsessed, who is my biggest idol and inspiration. I buy so much makeup but most of it I never actually write about, so a tryouts post is a great idea and a way of organising which products I need to do full reviews on!
Review: Lime Crime Venus II Palette
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Phew, after my first week at my full time job I've finally got round to rescuing my little abandoned blog (yay!)
What better to start off with than a review of Lime Crime's fabulous Venus II palette, following on from my review of Venus: The Grunge Palette from a few weeks ago.
Phew, after my first week at my full time job I've finally got round to rescuing my little abandoned blog (yay!)
What better to start off with than a review of Lime Crime's fabulous Venus II palette, following on from my review of Venus: The Grunge Palette from a few weeks ago.
Benefit Cosmetics #AbracadaBROW Blogger Event
Sunday, 26 June 2016
Yesterday I was insanely lucky enough to be invited to the Benefit #AbracadaBROW blogger's event at John Lewis in Sheffield. Two hours dedicated solely to brows? Yes please!
My eyebrows have always been something I've pretty much ignored during my beauty routine, so it was absolutely amazing to be taught how to define them properly into signature Benefit WOW Brows.
Why I Buy From Lime Crime, Despite All The Controversy
Monday, 20 June 2016
After a question I received from a friend about yesterday's review, I decided to write this post. Reading through my blog, you'll know that Lime Crime is my favourite brand. It's pretty obvious via my posts and my Instagram feed that I basically worship their products.
However, I am aware that Lime Crime is a controversial company for many reasons, and I would like to explain my reasons why I still choose to buy from them.
Review: Lime Crime Venus Palette
Sunday, 19 June 2016
How I Gained THOUSANDS Of Page Views In Just One Month
Friday, 17 June 2016
Before I start this post, let me throw some numbers at you...
In December 2015, I managed a total of 600 monthly page views.
However in January 2016, I had 6,500 monthly views.
That was more than ten times the views of the previous month. Crazy right? So what's my secret?
How To Keep Your Brushes Clean And Fluffy
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
A few years ago, when I was 16, I wondered why I kept getting spots even though I kept my skin really clean. The culprit? My absolutely filthy makeup brushes. All my careful cleansing was being wasted from using dirty brushes on my skin. Yeah. Ew.
Since then I have been pretty vigilant with keeping my brushes clean, especially since I invested in some gorgeous Spectrum brushes a couple of months ago.
Review: Too Faced 'Justify My Love' Love Flush Blush
Sunday, 12 June 2016

When I first hit pan on my Benefit Dandelion powder, I was devastated. But I quickly cheered up when I realised it meant I had no choice but to purchase another blusher, cue my excitement at buying the gorgeous Justify My Love Love Flush blush from Too Faced.
These beautiful blushes have been an Instagram favourite since about July last year, sweetening up flat-lays with a pretty pop of pink. The colour I went for was Justify My Love, a bright bubblegum pink with gold sparkle.
Review: Benefit Goof Proof Brow Pencil
Wednesday, 8 June 2016
I'm a stickler for a good deal, so when I got an email from Benefit detailing how their new Goof Proof brow pencil was available as a free gift with this month's ELLE magazine, I jumped at the chance to get my hands on it.
Goof Proof is part of Benefit's fabulous new brows range which is in store from the 24th of this month, so it felt pretty cool to be able to try it early.
Review: Lime Crime Teddy Bear Velvetine
Sunday, 5 June 2016

I am also totally obsessed with Lime Crime, so imagine how excited I was when I saw Lime Crime were collaborating with her for a limited edition Velvetine, based on her song 'Teddy Bear.'
Lime Crime 2 Moods Duo Review & Swatches
Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Well yesterday it arrived and I could not be more excited to write this post!
LUSH Ethics #HappyAndHandmade Blogger Event
Friday, 13 May 2016
I was so excited when I received an invite to the event at the LUSH store in Sheffield, and rightly so, I had an amazing time.
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