Over the last few months I've fallen into the mindset of finding my Instagram a burden, and something that I just can't be bothered to keep up with. This is so far from the way I felt when I first started blogging and would post to Instagram three, maybe even four times a day.
It doesn't help that I actually started my Instagram account a very, very long time ago, much longer than I've been blogging, right back in secondary school. I'm a completely different person now as to who I was then. My interest in the accounts I follow has changed, and I've just grown up a lot on the whole, especially when you take into account that I was 13 when I started it, and I'm almost 21 now (fun fact, Instagram actually first launched on my 13th birthday!)
This didn't use to bother me so much as when I came across an account I'd followed years ago, I'd just block or unfollow it. Every so often I'd decide I needed a change, and delete all of my photos (this was before the 'archive' feature was even a thing - I've lost so many amazing photos over the years) and change my @ in order to just start my feed over again.
But recently it was just bugging me more than normal. I discussed in my Confessions Of An Instagram 'Cheat' post how when I was in school I would use apps where you could 'earn' likes and followers in order to look more popular amongst the girls in my class. I spent absolutely ages this time last year going through all of my followers and trying to remove the ones that looked fake, but last month I just decided that enough was enough and I may as well start from scratch.
So here I am, trying my absolute hardest to grow my new Instagram account, whilst slowly realising that it's a lot harder thanks it used to be (thanks Instagram, you dicks) and mourning the loss of my 3,000 followers.
But actually, I'm really enjoying it. Somehow I'm posting every day at the moment (a first for me), I've found loads of new, relateable accounts to follow, and slowly but surely my followers are creeping up again. Dreamy.
Pop your Instagram handle in the comments, and I'll be sure to shoot you a follow.
In the meantime, I'm over at @DaintyAlice for all things, pink, girly and gossipy.