Dainty Alice

A pretty little LUSH, Beauty & Lifestyle blog.

Why Daily Blogging Is Making Me ill

Dear Lovely Readers...

This post truly pains me to write, but it's something I desperately need to do. Confession time - blogging every day is making me extremely ill and it's something I just can't keep up much longer.

Over the last week all my friends have been commenting on how tired and sickly I look. I can hardly have a conversation without drifting off and I seem to have a constant headache. To be absolutely brutally honest, blogging every day is almost killing me.

At first, I found it fun. I was brimming with ideas, inspired by all the bloggers who have posts up every day and make a living out of it. I thought that posting every day would make readers like me more and prevent my blog becoming stale. 

I only lasted for a month before it got to the point where I was still hastily typing posts at 11pm, almost crying because I didn't have the post finished for the next day. If my daily views were under 300, I became an anxious mess and it was starting to show in my hastily thrown together, random posts.

When complaining of how tired I was feeling to my friend Khadejah, she simply replied -

 "Why don't you just stop?" 

But it's not as simple as that. Blogging for me has become an addiction, the buzz I get from the comments and shares is simply too good to let me stop.

It didn't help that people told me they were so inspired by the fact I managed to blog every day and that I must be seeing some amazing results. I really am, but the price I'm paying for it doesn't make it all worthwhile. Instead of having a nice night in with my boyfriend, I'm tapping away on my laptop. I've missed out on things because I'm just 'too busy' writing posts and editing photos. If I don't get my photos taken at 12pm every day when the lighting is best, I'm thrown into a panic.

On Friday I completely crashed. I was so run down and sick that my boyfriend had to put me to bed at 8pm. As he tucked me into bed, he looked me straight in the eyes and said -

"Babe, you look absolutely bloody shattered."

It really struck a chord with me. "I think it's time the blogging stopped" he continued, stroking my head.

Even as I slept, I dreamt I was editing photos and scheduling tweets for the next day. I woke in a panic late at night as I hadn't taken the photos I needed for a collaboration I was supposed to be posting on Monday. Instead, I posted on twiter about how blogging was making me so sick but I was so worried my readers would hate me, and one of my friends gave me the best advice ever -

"Health always comes first, I'm sure your readers will understand."

That piece of wisdom came courtesy of Amy from Scariel's Grotto and absolutely finalised my decision to stop blogging every day. From now on I shall be posting only on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday as self-care is so much more important. Maybe when I've finished college I will be able to pick it back up again, but for now I just have far too much on my plate. I would rather have awesome content every other day and still be able to have time out, than something medicore every day of the week.

To every single person who takes the time out of their day to read my blog, thank you. I hope I haven't let you down.

All my love,


  1. I'm really glad you wrote this post because I have been thinking about starting posting everyday but honestly can't think about where I would find all the time. Also, you're so right, there is such a rush that comes with getting shares and posting a new post that you've worked really hard on, but that would be too exhausting to keep up all day every day. Parts of blogging are really hard work and so it is important to keep most of it fun - that is why we all start in the first place! Thanks for this post it was really great and honest!


    1. Thank you hun, but seriously posting everyday is so stressful and I congratulate anyone who can manage it! xxx

  2. You are letting no one down, no one! We read your blog because we love you and your content, no one needs it daily if it's stopping you from being you! I found it really hard doing December daily, and that was 25 days worth, take a step back and breathe! Your blog is fantastic, and so are you :)


  3. You've just got to look after yourself and do what is best for you. Healthy comes first and everything else second. You're the chirpiest blogger I know and I hate to think that you are making yourself I'll to present content to others. At the end of the day it's just content and your readers can wait until you want to post! Love you Xxx

    1. That's the sweetest comment I've ever received, thank you so much Ruby! Love you too xxx

  4. you haven't let anyone down! your friend Amy is dead right, health is more important and if your readers are loyal then they'll understand. I'm so glad you've shared this with us


  5. Baby girl never ever feel as though you have let anyone down !!! You blog because it makes you happy - not feel stressed ! Health will always come first, and things like family, school, work should too! Nothing (not even blogging) is worth making yourself I'll over !! I know how hard it is because especially when you start blogging you feel so excited and want to do so much for it .. But you have to find a good balance.. And it definitely seems like you have !!
    Good luck darling!

    1. Thank you Saira, your positivity always means so much to me!! Lots of love xxx

  6. I'm really glad you've made the decision to blog less. When I first started I blogged every day but it soon became way too much for me. I found I was writing pointless posts just to get something up!

    The most important thing is to look after yourself and don't feel bad if you can't get a post up :) x

    Holly ∣ Closingwinter

    1. I'm exactly the same here, I would rather have great content less often, thank you xxx

  7. You have absolutely no reason to feel bad about cutting back to 3 days a week!!!! You have to take care of yourself first, love!

  8. So much love for you & this blog, always put yourself first xxx

    Leanne | www.latteleanne.wordpress.com

  9. You haven't let anyone down, take some time for you and try to focus less on the numbers. I've only just started my blog and sometimes i feel like i'm just talking to myself but I know eventually readers will come and I started writing for me <3 Feel better soon.

    Lots of love, Em // Emily Rose Vass

    1. I will take some time out, thank you so much for your kind words xxx

  10. Your letting no one down chick, take some time to yourself. Feel better soon ❤


  11. I used to blog every day too but I stopped because I found that it was stressing me out too. My blog is a movie blog, and because I work full time, I don't get the chance to look for movie news everyday, or watch a movie every night when I get in from work because I usually get in late and I am too knackered. Blogging should be fun, and you should do whenever you want, not because you have too! Hope you feel better soon.

    Sarah x

    The Longitude Of Life.

    1. That does sound stressful hun! Hope you're ok now xxx

  12. Your health does matter & I don't think you're letting any readers down, I'm sure that if they really like what you do then they will understand & want you to put yourself first... Not only will you feel the benefit but your blog will too. Keep your chin up & just do what makes you happy.


    1. Thank you so much, that means a huge amount to me xxx

  13. You have no reason to apologize. I know how overwhelming things can get - whether it is blogging, work, school and so on. You are so smart for realizing you need to pull back a bit. I wish you the best of luck and I am sure anyone that reads your blog will understand.


    1. Thank you sweetness, the response I've had from this post is incredible xxx


Every single comment means so much to me, thanks for making me smile! :)